DNPA Code of Ethics

DNPA Code of Ethics for


At, we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all our operations. Each team member is expected to conduct business with integrity, ensuring compliance with all applicable laws while avoiding any actions driven by personal gain or advantage.

General Policy Application:

Gifts, Favors, and Payments by the Company:

Gifts, favors, and payments may be given to others at’s expense if they meet the following criteria:

  1. They align with accepted business practices.
  2. They are of limited value and cannot be interpreted as bribes or payoffs.
  3. They do not violate any applicable laws or ethical standards.
  4. Public disclosure of these actions will not embarrass the company.

Payments, commissions, or other compensation to associates of customers or their families that are not required by written contract are against company policy.

Gifts, Favors, Entertainment, and Payments Received by Company Associates:

Associates should not seek or accept any gifts, favors, entertainment, or payments that lack a legitimate business purpose from any person or organization that does business with or is a competitor of Acceptable exceptions include:

  • Common courtesies associated with customary business practices, such as:
    • Lunches or dinners with vendors, sometimes including spouses.
    • Small-value gifts from vendors like calendars, pens, etc.
    • Tickets to events if the vendor accompanies the associate and the invitation was not solicited by the associate.
  • Overnight outings with prior approval from a company officer, provided they include participants from other companies or the vendor.

It is strictly prohibited to accept gifts of cash or cash equivalents, such as stocks.

Conflicts of Interest:

Associates should avoid any situation that could create a conflict of interest. If a potential conflict arises, associates must disclose it in writing to their manager. Examples of conflicts include:

  1. Ownership by the associate or their family of a significant interest in an enterprise that does business with or competes with
  2. Serving as a director, officer, partner, consultant, or manager in an outside enterprise that does or seeks to do business with or is a competitor of the company.
  3. Acting as a broker or go-between for a third party in transactions involving
Confidential Information:

Associates must not disclose or use any confidential information related to without prior authorization. Unauthorized access, misuse, or mishandling of confidential information, especially personnel information, will result in disciplinary action, including possible immediate discharge.


Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action or immediate discharge. Associates are expected to report any violations to management. Compliance in each area of responsibility is overseen by the relevant vice president or company officer.

Social Media Guidelines


When using social media, associates should:

  • Use good judgment.
  • Remember that nothing posted is truly private.
  • Act professionally at all times.
Understand Social Media:

Social media includes all forms of electronic communication, such as blogs, social networking sites, and chat rooms. Associates should familiarize themselves with the company’s policies and ensure their postings are consistent with these guidelines.

Speak for Yourself, Not the Company:

Associates should express personal views, not those of, unless authorized. Always include a disclaimer when posting about the company or its business contacts.

Be Respectful and Professional:

Associates must avoid making posts that could be perceived as malicious, obscene, or defamatory. Respect others’ privacy and refrain from sharing misleading or inappropriate content.

Respect Laws and Confidentiality:

Associates must comply with copyright, trademark, privacy, and other legal requirements. Do not disclose confidential information without permission.

Report Your Concerns:

Associates are encouraged to report any concerns about violations of this policy to Human Resources. prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports concerns or cooperates in an investigation.

Plagiarism maintains a strict policy against plagiarism. All content must be original or properly attributed.


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